Thursday, 1 November 2012

beautiful world!

the world is beautiful!
i love travelling!
whenever i feel sad or depressed,i always surf the web looking for interesting places to visit
it gives me encouragements to work hard in life,so that one day,i'll be successful and i'll be able to visit all the beatiful magnificant places
it makes me calm and happy at the same time
i just love visiting new places,meeting new people
i think it's very exciting!

Yg ni taman sakura kt japan

This one plak,waterfall at grand canyon.USA

Yg ni,pantai kt australia

a beach at bora bora island.magnificant!

this is a view inside of a cave,Carlsbad Cavers at New Mexico..most people think its boring to explore a cave,cuz its dark and boring,but actually there's alot of interesting things u can see/do inside a cave.kt malaysia,i've been to Gua Tempurung,its nice and challenging.

MALDIVES!!famous tourist spot.famous spot for honeymoon also.superb!

this is also a cave,a marble Pantagonia.yg ni gambar betol tau,not photoshop i think.its hard to believe a beautiful place like this do exist isnt it?Subhanallah..

Moraine Lake,at Alberta National Park,Canada.

Mount Roraima,Venezuela.this is a famous tourist spot among rich people.there's helicopter ride to the top of the mountain,which i think it would be verryyyy expensive la..but can u imagine?lepak at gunung,ATAS paras awan!bile dlm flight pn kite tgk awan dah happy kan,yg ni leh lepak atas awan.perghh,cun abes

yg ni,nama tmpt dia "shipwreck island" ke ape..Navagio Beach,Greece. famous tourist spot jugak.again,among rich people.biase yg starcruise punye package tu.its nice

i've always like snows.This one kt Argentina.

this is a park.national park,Plitvice Lake,Croatia.bayangkan,boleh jalan2 kt park dreamland.

another beautiful beach.this one at spain.

it's GREECE! one of the most beautiful city in the world!for me the most beautiful place!!bandar nye sgt lawa,byk filem hollywood wat shooting kt sini.cube tgk gambar tu,siap ade swimming pool lg,magnificant kan!someday,i wanna go here..

this is the north pole.x ramai leh jejak kaki ke's pretty,but i'm too scared to go there.takut kena frostbite.

Verdon Gorge,France.

anddd many more.actually this is just a collection of pics i've saved in my computer.u see,when i'm sad,i like to search the web for these kind of pics.just for kt lappy ni,byk gile gambar2 pemandangan cantik2.smpai dah x ingt kt yg pnting,bile tgk,rase tenang.inilah kekuasaan Allah swt.God is so great.He made this world so beautiful.

not good enuff

that awkward moment..
when u realize u're not good enough
that u've been overestimating urself
i hate it

ok,another depressing entry from me.i dont know,maybe the fact that i'm constantly under pressure as a medical student,make me more vulnerable to emotional disturbances.i've got to hang on,there's a reason for everything that happened.

“love the life you live.
live the life you love.” 
― Bob Marley

awesome quote isnt it?yeah,its cool.but sometimes its very hard to love the life u live.there's just so many imperfections,so many things that are lacking.but guess what,that's is not a bed of roses! it's full of thorns,but that what makes it beautiful.after u've successfully went through all the pain,u'll end up in a garden full of flowers.u'll see a rainbow after the rain.that's life.u have to be strong!

u dont always get what u want
other people might get it easily

but for u,maybe not
but when u think about it,
u might appreciate it more once u get it
that's why God made it that way

"God is not cruel"
that's what my radiology lecturer said

she's right
God love us,that's why He always planned everything perfectly for us
God is perfect
that's why we must have more patience

dear heart,please be strong.