Monday, 31 December 2012

be strong!

after taking my nephew from school today for his 1st day of school,seeing him in tears,i realized life is full with problems and stress.everyone,in every stage of their life has their own problems.but as we grow up,we became more matured and resistant to tears.we just need to buckle up,face our problems and be stronger that we were yesterday.thanks a an for making me realized this!i need to be stronger!
just the right time for this,i need this,lately i've been under tremendous amount of stress :(

*happy new year everybody! *   ; )


  1. Assalamu alaikom, stress makes us move. insha Allah, try to become better medical student each day... and dont forget du';a du;a du'a n keep du'a. we r not belong to this dunya but akhirah :)
